February 8, 2010


Yeah, you know me.
But am I down with it?
Known as other people's property,
or other people's pussy if you're nature is naughty,
it's a fairly controversial topic.

I mean, taking anything of anyone's
seems wrong in some sense.
So why would we do it?

Simple: we want what we can't have.
It's part of the thrill.
We all want excitement,
and what better way to achieve that
than by pursuing what not ours?
Secretly, we don't one anyone to be happy but ourselves.

Think about it.
Don't you love when you can say to someone,
"Haha. I have something that use to be yours
and you'll never have it again."

Why do you think a guy asks their friend
if he can go out with his ex-girlfriend?
Cause he wanted to tap that the whole time.
Even if the friend says no,
he's still gonna go after her.

It's a funny concept,
one we all want to take part of
but don't want to admit
so that we can salvage our image.
But forreal though,
let's just be honest.
We all want what we can't have;
some of us just have more heart
and go after it.
So let's not call them evil and wrong,
rather go-getters and honest men.

Ah, a fair warning though.
Let us remember the law of karma.
What goes around comes around.
So choose what you go after wisely.
No need for something to come back
and bite you in the ass.

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