April 5, 2011

You Got No Game, Sir

In my 21 years of existence,
I've had 1 girlfriend and 1 boyfriend.
Both approached me.
Both did it via MySpace.
Yeah, that long ago. haha

All this time
I thought I was single because I had a hard time
finding other gay guys I'm actually interested in.
No, this is not true at all.
Fact is, I have no game.

You'd think with my track record,
I'd at least have some inkling as to how to pick up people.
I mean, I kissed my first girl on the cheek when I was 4;
I had a crush on a girl in 1st/2nd grade that turn to a lil something cute;
I had a crush on a girl in 3rd/4th grade that became a friendship;
I had a crush on a girl in 6th/7th grade that almost turned into something before she moved (or so I tell myself);
I had a crush on a girl in 8th grade that I think liked me back.
I had a short romance with a girl I did a play with in 11th grade.
I'll be honest, that last one was my fault.
I didn't follow up with her after the play and then someone else swooped in.

But I'm saying,
I was such a little Casanova.
Where did my ability to make someone mines go?

I'm coming to the realization that I never had it.
I just knew how to get out of the friend zone.
In fact, it's my entrance point.
I don't think I've hit on a random person yet.
Well, one person, but I was really drunk.

For the most part, even now,
I only seriously think about a relationship
with people I already know.
I think it goes back to that whole "finding my Topenga" thing I have.
And sense I don't know too many gay guys,
my dating pool is fairly limited.

But even when I do attempt to go after a guy,
after months of trying to figure out if he's gay or not
(because I always go for the ambiguous type),
my pick up line has been, "Are you gay?"
How fucking bad of a line is that?
What the fuck was I thinking?
I'm pretty sure I've related this story to you guys before,
but it never fails to amaze me still.
Even if the guy was gay,
he was most likely closeted
and think I was trying to out him, not hit on him.

Other times, I just things fizzle out.
This often happens the few times someone shows interest in me.
It would usually have something to do with distance and/or effort on my part.
I think I was lazy and just wanted someone on campus. smh.

So now,
I'm attempting to re-train myself in the art of the pick-up.
We'll see how well this goes.
Hopefully I won't have to resort to websites again.

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