September 3, 2009


You know how things can change outta nowhere?
Don't you hate that?
Well, I like to refer to it as a blitz.

This unexpected change just rushes at you,
it stuns you,
it makes you reconsider what you were about to do,
and then it hits you.
Sometimes you can adapt to it,
but other times you can only fall flat on your face.

I bring this up cause I experienced a couple blitzes this past month.
Well, for one, the line of work I was in this summer
always had a schedule subject to change.
And a week or so ago, it completely changed for the whole week.
Luckily, I hadn't made any plans yet,
but it went from half days to whole days and then some each day.
But I knew what I had signed up for.

Ah, a good one.
I signed up for this one biology class on insects to fulfill my core requirement.
Mid-August, they announced the class had been changed to forensic science.
As interesting as that sounded, I wasn't sure I was up for it.
So I add/dropped it and got into a 10am Theology on MWF.
I don't like classes before noon, but this one is okay.
Speaking of classes before noon,
I had a 11am on TTh's,
an English one,
but I had to add/drop that one too.
She was tryna go OD hard.
I could just tell I was gonna end up falling behind
with all the other things I'm tryna do this semester.
So now, I'm in this other biology class about the environment.
Seems interesting so far,
and it's at 1 MWF. :-)

I was in the loop,
one could say,
and was able to know what the musical for the fall might be.
At first, it was between a popular musical that would have just been wrong for the cast we have on tap currently, Rent, and one that would have been perfect for us, Reefer Madness.
Trust me, my summer roommate and I watched it and cast it ourselves. Haha.
Sometime mid-summer,
it was switched to another popular musical, A Chorus Line.
While this was great for my roommate and I,
for we once again watched and cast,
it was still not the best choice for our somewhat stiff cast of actors on tap.
You know... cause there's a lot of dancing.
So, I was prepared for A Chorus Line,
thinking I had a chance.
Then... a week or 2 ago,
the show changes to Chicago.
Turns out that was the plan all along,
just was waiting on the licensing to go through.
...I have yet to see Chicago.
I know it loosely.... but still...
Well... chorus actor, here I come again.

Life is full of Blitz,
some easier to recover from than others.
But always recover from them,
don't dwell on them,
otherwise you'll just make yourself upset.

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