September 1, 2009

Abs VS Flab

Okay, fun fact:
Before I came to college,
I weighed a measly 147 lbs.
Around the end of my freshmen year in college,
I was about 174 lbs, I think.
Yup, I traded my very slender physique
for a heavier one.
My abs slowly but surely developed into a gut,
one I still carry.
It can just be hard to tell because I suck it in.
I've become very good at this,
except for after I eat a lot.

I'm bringing this to light now
because during the summer,
I did a lot of physical labor.
Therefore, I have actually begun to develop muscles.
My biceps are starting to firm up,
and my chest is gettin bigger.
The only thing that really remains the same is my stomach.

Now, I can suck it in
so that it appears as a set of very fleshy abs...
with small love handles on the side.
What I'm tryna figure out now is do I wanna start workin out
and become a lean mean grillin machine again.
I mean, I do want to have like that nice beach bod again...
but there's something nice about a gut.
It's kinda comfortable
and fun to play with if you know what I mean.
As a skinny kid,
I had always wondered what it would be like to be fat.
I kinda know now, because I don't ever really plan on gettin "big" big.

did you know that the gut is kind of a trend now?
Yeah, not sure how this happened,
but some article I read said
a belly on guys was becoming part of this hipster uniform or something.
You know,
girth was a sign of wealth and power back in the Ye Ole days.
Maybe such is making a comeback of sorts.
Being in shape can be overrated anyway.
It's a bunch of pain and struggle,
and if you get real big and muscular,
it usually ends up turnin into fat or ugly/odd lookin muscle when you get older.

So, I'm still undecided at the moment.
But at the moment I'm leanin towards flab.
I mean ey,
it's easier to get to and maintain.

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