May 20, 2009


This is what we call a black person who acts white.
If you're Asian then your a Twinkie.
I'm not sure what the Hispanic equivalent is though...
They are difficult group to bunch.
But I suppose, if they act black they're an opposite Reese's.
If they act white they're a Devil Dog.
These codename minorities often get dunked in milk,
you know... date white people.

But what exactly is acting white?
Acting proper?
Saying the whole word?
Putting kids on time out instead of beatin they ass?
Eating hummus?
Not being able to dance?
Looking over yout should before you say the N-word?
Yes, yes I believe that proper describes acting white.

But why exactly is it looked down upon by other minorities?
Because they're acting uppity?
Because they don't hang out with other minorities?
Because it's seen as not being true to themself?
Because they are representing the race properly?

But you see,
oreos and twinkies and devil dogs can't help it.
It's simply how they were brought up.
It's the culture they were subjected to.
Their parents wanted their kids to grow up there,
perhaps because they knew that their chances would be better that way.

It's very obvious when blacks are Oreos
because the black culture is very distinct.
But Asians ans Hispanics,their culture tends to vary.
It's more of a tradition thing with them.
Not as noticable as loud black in movie theatres.
So they aren't subjected to the glares and talkin behind the back
like Oreos recieve.
I'm noticing Oreos are becoming greater and number too.
Especially at a school like Loyola.
I feel as if it's necessary to have some bit of Oreo in you
in order to tolerate and/or be around white people constantly.
They can do and or say some stupid shit.
But on some level, they're alright.
They're the ones to model yourself after.
The standard to which every in America is compared against.
The Man comes from their race.
why is it so bad to be an Oreo?

Oh, by the way,
whites who act black are Uh-Oh Oreos.
It only makes sense.

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