Left arm whizzes right
Right leg slugs left
Right arm tumbles right
Left leg stumbles left
An orb circles from a distance
Torso ascends from the floor
Light fabrics fall from traps doors
Tiny baby blue booties
Medium white shorts
Reasonably portioned red shirt
Oversized nightcap striped to match
How backwardly patriotic it was
All components approach each other
Joining for brief instances
Realizing the combination is askew
Searching for the proper balance
Each time seemingly less hideous
Until all falls as it should
And the orb leaves its planned course
Landing firmly atop the masterpiece that has become
A bright flash of creation
Blasting heat of animation
Existing from the womb
Joining the world
But its heart was not committed
That baby doll was so life like on life support
until it wasn’t a doll.
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