March 22, 2011

The Funny T-Shirt Business

Anyone that's seen me these past 3 years
knows that I'm a collector of funny and ironic shirts.
Some have told me I have the best shirts.
I even wrote an essay on why I wear funny t-shirts.
I may post it after I've revised it.

So it's only natural
for me to want to get into the t-shirt business.
I've thought about this for a while now
but I never had the time to focus on it.
Well, with all this sudden free time on my hands now
I might just get to cracking on it.

My mom's designed a few t-shirts for her church
so I know a good website to go for materials.
And I'm capable of building my own webpage.
So the only thing I gotta work on is seed money.

I would tell you some of my ideas...
but I don't need some random stranger making it his own.

However, I will reveal that I once had a dream of starting my own clothing line.
This was back when I was... 13-16, I think.
I would draw designs in the back of my notebooks.
Looking back at it now,
my stuff might have been really hot right about now.
But it might be too late now.
You can take a look at a few below.

I took pride in my designs, but eventually I lost interest
because I thought I was wasting my time.
I kinda wish I had at least attempted to go through with it.
So, I'm not letting this t-shirt idea go by as easily.
If you have aspirations, that let it go unfulfilled.
Try it out. You never know how far you'll get.


  1. Hey man!

    Great to hear and see about your own funny t shirts collection. Looks like you are in love with these t shirts, so am I!

    Great post!

  2. hello there, you are right! continue of what you are doing.. funny shirts is really a great help everyone to show what they are feeling and besides it is very is very easy to sell and profitable...i tell you..keep it up! :)

  3. I agree that shirt printing is very good business but it wuld be better if you have your own shirt business so that you wont order from other stores. if you want you can read my article about Cheap T-Shirts: A Nice Business to Start and it might give you some insights.

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  4. I admire what you have done here. I like the part where you say you are doing this to give back and thanks for sharing the post.
    Custom Tshirts
