May 10, 2010

Secondhand Embarrassment

I think there's been moments in our lives
when we just feel embarrassed beyond belief.
And often, we aren't even the cause of it.

No, someone or something has done something so awkward or wrong
that it actually makes you feel awkward.
You want examples, you say?

-A guy washes his hands and gets water all over his crotch.

-An obese man has to be lifted out of this home,
and the crane breaks before setting him down.

-A girl pours her heart out to her boyfriend
right before he says, "I'm more into your sister."

-Catching your roommate watching porn or having sex.

Good TV, movies, plays, books, etc. know how to do this.
Steve Urkel is probably the best character to use as an example.
How many times did you feel embarrassed to know him,
especially when he said "Did I do that?"

Why do you think some YouTube videos are so popular?
Scarlett Takes a Tumble?
Leave Britney Alone?
Numa Numa Guy?
They're embarrassing videos,
and we love to make fun of them to cover something more.

I think I understand why we feel embarrassed for them.
It because we empathize with them;
we put ourselves in their shoes.
We understand how we would feel in the situation,
and we either feel sorry for the person
or hope that it never happens to us.

So keep feeling embarrassed for other people.
It proves you're human.

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