Last night
I was in one of my random
"woo is me, I'm so single
and can't find anyone" moods.
I stayed up late tryna think of ways to remedy my situation
but I was too frustrated to come up with alternatives.
So I went to sleep.
As a result,
I went from dream to dream
with a sense of loneliness,
sometimes that I wasn't good enough,
other times that I didn't appeal to anyone.
I only got someone when I started smoking mary jane.
And even then, it was like one night stands.
Eventually, it moved on to cocaine
and the person I hooked up with that night OD
while I played ignorant to it.
I woke up in the middle of the night even more frustrated.
So I attempted to go back to sleep with a more positive outlook.
I lucid dreamed myself back to the same spot,
choosing to leave the drugs alone.
The person who OD came back to life in my dream
looking a hundred pounds lighter,
saying I should do the same.
I looked at myself and I had become heavier than I am in real life,
but I didn't care. I just slapped my gut in defiance,
as if to say "take me or leave me the way I am."
I reawakened with a smile on my face.
The message of all this is
1) be happy with who you are and what you have
2) don't go into things with a negative mindset.
If you tell yourself you can't, then you won't be able to.
If you say someone doesn't care about you, eventually they really wont.
If you believe you can jump over a car,
if you're Kobe than you definitely can.
But no, seriously keep positive.
Negativity is only a good trait when taking a STD exam.