January 24, 2011

He'd Be Perfect for You

"You're gay, he's gay. You two belong together."

In the past few months,
a number of my female friends
have approached me and said they had a guy for me.
Usually just some random gay guy,
or a cute dreadlocked black gay guy as one girl put it.
I even came out to my other sister over the phone yesterday,
and she immediately said,
"You should have told me sooner. I could have set you up with one of my gay friends. Now he's off in Australia with his boyfriend."
...<.< Really though?

Don't get me wrong.
I suck at meeting guys on my own,
so I appreciate their help.
But it really does seem like the basis of the connect is that we're both gay.
As a Youtuber once joked, "Oh, you're straight?
I have a straight friend that would be perfect for you!"
There's obviously a lot more that has to be there for it to work.
If I just want to meet a random gay guy, I'll call a hooker.

Now, I've haven't been set up on a blind date,
so I can't truly knock it just yet.
I'm just sayin, I'm a little stand-offish about it.

But ladies, if you got a boy you think would be a good fit for me,
please do pass him my way.
Much like TLC, I ain't too proud to beg.


  1. If the lovin is strong and he got it goin on... haha I'll be on the lookout

  2. Agreed! Just like they always think that all gay guys know each other
