Seeing as it falls into relationships and sex, why not discuss it on humpday?
Anonymous writes: "Is there anything wrong with repeatedly putting out what kind of girl/guy you're into? Why or why not?"
Is there anything wrong with saying
what demographic or features in a person
you find yourself especially attracted to? No.
Is there something wrong with
only responding to people who fit
that criteria like a puzzle piece? Yes.
Allow me to elaborate.
Let's say Claire is looking for
the classic tall, dark, and handsome fellow.
She finds it very alluring and desirable.
Her height is 5'11", 6' 2" in heels.
She's not gonna meet too many guys
taller her unless she's looking to scout ballers out the NCAA.
When a 5'7" man approaches Claire,
"No hobbits need apply,"
are the only words out her mouth.
Maybe she sees height as a sign of masculinity.
In which case, I would argue
if all men inherently possess
the same amount of masculinity by birth,
shorter men would logically
have more masculinity per square inch.
But that just sounds like we're talking about qualities of meat.
No person can decide what height they'll be,
not even with platform shoes or heels.
Claire might have just passed off on the match of her life,
or more immediately, the best sex in her young adult life.
Besides, doesn't she know that the best things
occasionally come in small adorable packages?
Quincy is a black man that lives his life like a Childish Gambino song:
Forget these white girls/I need some variation/Especially if she very Asian.
He's received flack from his parents,
asking why he doesn't just find a nice black girl
instead of "experimenting with all these other girls."
Quincy has dated his fair share of black girls,
and none of them seemed right for him,
cultural differences or something to that effect:
"Nigga, what the fuck is a Yu Yu Hakusho?"
But he's deadset on finding the perfect Far East girl
that will understand him and all his quirks
and fascinations with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean culture.
Obviously, an asian girl is not what he really wants,
but he's limited himself to them
because those are the only people he believes who share his interest.
A pity that Jessica, the latina three blocks from over,
will never find someone to enjoy Death Note with.
Those are probably the best examples I can give you.
If your type include facial features being a certain way,
no way around it at all,
I really don't know how to help you, you vain S.O.B.
Just think about it.
Do you really know who you're into?
Has seeking out that cooker cutter image been working out for you?
Or do you need to just go with the flow,
see who sparks your interest?
Sources say they've been surprised.
I wouldn't know myself;
I'm still out here casting wide nets over the city of Baltimore.
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