This task took place from Nov 9th to Dec 17th.
So why did it take me so long to blog about it?
Well, remember December wasn't my month.
But also, I wanted to see what I would do the month
after I spent so long without drinking.
And by drinking, I mean water.
No, dumbass. Alcohol, of course.
In all honesty, I started it up
because of an incident that I still can't tell you about.
Those that know know.
But just so you know how upset I was, the weekend before I embarked on this task I received a shot glass with my name on it... literally. I was so overjoyed and ready to use it.
I still have not used it other than to take water shots.
And since my name is on it,
I haven't allowed anyone else to use it. Their name ain't Charles. Shiiit.
Let me tell you now,
I am a borderline alcoholic.
But then again, aren't most college students?
So we lie to ourselves and say it's only alcoholism once we graduate.
At least we've set a cutoff date for ourselves.
When I first came to college,
I didn't have it in my mind to drink at all.
I was gonna be one of those sober kids.
But I remember a call from my mom a month before I started college.
She said something to the effect of "I know you're gonna drink."
Now, she wasn't all the way okay with it,
but she knew it would happen.
I think without that, I would still be sober.
Or at least I'd been sober for longer.
Am I blaming her? No.
I'm just saying she took off a bit of judgment from my mind.
I lasted until October 6th, 2007.
I know that because the pictures from it are posted the next day.
I took six shots of vodka pretty fast,
mostly cause my room and floor mates were champs.
I puked shortly after,
only to run around with my shirt off
down the hall to where my first college crush lived
and harassed him for the remainder of the night.
I felt liberated... and I loved it.
It wasn't until my junior year that I discovered I might have a problem.
For an undisclosed reason, I had to fill out this sheet that asked how much I drank each day during the past 4 weeks.
The 1st week had been Spring Break, so I was sober. But the other 3 weeks... 17 of those days I was drunk. Somehow I got work done, but still, I was shook.
Did I stop then? Not really.
But I did cut back.
What can I say, I surround myself with drinkers. And when other people are drinking, I feel compelled to drink myself.
In a sense, I've become known as a big drinker.
That's why I got a shot glass as a gift.
I've always been a liquor boy over beer.
It is what I started off on, after all.
And I know how to hold it.
So yes, liquor was my friend.
However I wanted to see if I could go without it,
as kind of a PSAT to real life.
I got to tell you, the first 10 days I was fiending,
but I managed to resist.
The rest of that first month was easy.
I would go to different house parties
and be surrounded by people drinking,
satisfied with drinking a soda or whatever.
By 1 o'clock though, I would leave.
I was too sober; I felt outta place.
I started to notice what fools some people become while intoxicated.
It was a bit off putting.
Finally December 9th rolled around.
I celebrated my month of sobriety with a water shot.
I still wanted to see if I could go any further.
I made it to December 18th, the day after my friend's 22nd birthday.
He had a final earlier that day, so we couldn't celebrate on the 17th.
But even then, I didn't drink that much.
I only drank when the whole group took a shot.
It was like I was cool without it.
A drunk feeling did not over take me that night.
The only other time since then I had a drink was New Years Eve.
Again, I didn't drink that much, and I bought the bottles that night.
I could have asked for money,
but I remember all the times someone bought a bottle and didn't ask for anything.
I was kind of paying it forward.
Again, my friends got drunk and I could only look on in half disgust.
The other half was laughing uncontrollably.
I had never seen my best friend from home and his friends drunk.
It was a rare sight.
So, am I saying I'm no longer an alcoholic?
I suppose. I'm able to resist a drink now.
Am I gonna remain sober for the most part?
That I doubt. I still have a shot glass to try out. haha.
But, I definitely won't be going as hard as I have been.
Yet another step into adulthood.
I'm starting to resent these steps a little bit.
They're making Jack a dull boy. haha