January 15, 2010

Day for a King

today is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s official bithday.
He would be 71 today.

Now... I'm not gonna bother with any of history.
We should all know that from elementary school
when he had to write reports on him
every Black History Month.
No, I'm here to discuss a couple other things.

First up...
why is his birthday celebrated on the 3rd monday of January?
What, ya'll couldn't change his name like Kunta to Toby
so ya'll changed is birthday?
See, the "Man" always...
Naw, I'm playin. Haha.
I think it's because it's a federal holiday..?
I'm not sure, so don't hold me to it.
I guess dudes just wanted to make sure they got that day off, kna'mean?
Like, "Aw, Dr. King. Good looks on the day off, my nig."
Of course callin Dr. King a nigga, even in the positive sense is wrong
cause he never supported the use of the word...
unless you count that one Boondocks episode. haha

The second issue I wanted to talk about:
So, I was doing a lil research,
tryna find if I could actually find why his birthday is celebrated on the 3rd monday,
and as usual I checked wikipedia first.
Now pause.
Did ya'll know that not all the states celebrated his day for a hot minute.
It became an official U.S. holiday in 1983 and was observed for the first time in 1986.
All 50 states ain't recongize til 2000.
Ya'll. That's a decade ago.
I don't know, something just got to me about that.
I know he wasn't like an elected official or anything but still.
Give the man his shine.
He was the voice of a generation
and the hope for those that would follow.

did ya'll know Stevie Wonder's song "Happy Birthday"
was created to help the campaign to make MLK Day an official national holiday?
That's what Wiki says. Haha
Shit, lookin at the lyrics now,
yeah, Steve definitiely is talkin bout Dr. King.
I mean, we only sing the chorus at black birthday parties, I'm sorry. haha

I'll bring this post to an end.
Have a pleasant and prosperous weekend, my good friends [and associates].
Be productive and don't do nothing dumb that would shame "us."

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