April 8, 2010

The Life of a Blogger

Often I'm asked,
"How do you find time to blog almost everyday?"
or "How do you find things to talk about?"
Well yes, those are the two main keys to a successful blog:
constant updates and knowing what you're talking about.

A few people have told me how they admire my blog,
and say how they would like to start one
but they don't have the time.
In a sense, that's a good thing.
It shows that you're always on the move,
doing things, hopefully beneficial to you.

As I've said many times before,
I started the Wacko Monologues
because I wasn't doing anything.
I had been involved in other activities
but once they ended,
I needed a new outlet for my creativity.
Now that I actually busy again,
I feel like my blog is better.
When I have down time,
I'm not as inspired to write;
not as much going on, ya know?

Now, the life of a blogger isn't extraordinary.
We live like others do.
We just happen to see or hear certain things
that sets off a spark in our brain.

Often, ideas for a post will come from hanging with friends.
They'll bring up interesting points,
and I'll regurgitate what they said while adding my own insight.
Other times, I come up with posts from dreams or deep thought.
I'll think up hypothetical situations
and soon end up posting them.

Now, if a post is inspired by an actual event or person,
I will often leave out names altogether.
I'll simply say a guy or girl.
Now, in the context of the situation,
people who were there will know who it is, yeah.
But outside of that, your identity is safe.
My intention is not to put anyone on blast,
only to shed light on what happened.

Some times I get a little emotional.
If you look back, some of my post seem to address someone.
That's because they are.
Yes, the passive-aggressive post.
One of my greatest yet ineffective weapons.
Because 1) What are the chances that the person will read it?
and 2) If they do, will they know it was meant for them?
It's just a nice little long shot for the world to see.

I haven't had anyone hold their tongue because I was around,
and they shouldn't.
I know what's public and what's private.
As much as my own life that I put up for the world to see,
I stil manage to harbor some secrets.
It's all about that balance:
knowing what to say without becoming to involved.
Gosh, I sound like a journalist.

that's what blogging is,
at least for the kid named Wacko.

Random thought:
I'm looking for a nice line to always end on.
Not that "Word" isn't good enough.
I just want something in addition
like Kid Cudi's "Dream on."
or Lupe's "Peace and much love to ya."
So if you have any ideas, let me know.
Thank ya kindly, in advance.

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