February 22, 2010

Broke vs Cheap

Please believe,
there is definitely a difference
between being broke and being cheap.
For example:

When you're broke, you treat your friends to Ramen.
When you're cheap, you treat your friends to directions to the nearest Taco Bell.

When you're broke, you know how to mix and match.
When you're cheap, you wear sweatpants to class everyday.

When you're broke, you will let the gas tank run on E.
When you're cheap, you will walk to the club.

When you're broke, you will take a date to free pancake day at ihop.
When you're cheap, you will make dinner for them.

When you're broke, you tell your kids Santa couldn't make it this year.
When you're cheap, you tell your kids Santa gave 1 gift for the whole house.

You see,
being cheap is an option;
being broke is a case of circumstance.
Do not look down upon broke people.
Help them out;
point them in the direction of a better job.
But for that cheap mothafucka,
make them pay for anything possible.
Secretly, they sitting on a goldmine.
But learn from them, too.
They know how to manage their money.

Me, myself,
I just happen to be broke somedays.
By no means am I cheap.
But if I don't have to pay for something,
dammit, I'm not gonna offer up cash.
But if you ask me to chip in,
yeah, I'll prob be one of the first to do so,
even if my pockets are a little lean.
That's just who I am.

So... who are you?
A broke nigga or a cheap nigga?

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