February 5, 2010

Sing It Loud, Sing It Out

So I'm holdin a little bit of my own private karaoke right now.
But it's in a public space, the computer lab.
But nobody is here.
So I'm just gonna keep singing out loud,
tripping over words, but enjoying the fuck outta myself.
But can assure you as soon as someone walks in here,
I'll get real quiet like.
They'll look at me like, "Was that you singin off-key just now?"
And I'll just keep my eyes trained on the computer screen.

See, someone did. And I shut my ass up.
Even stopped bopping along.
I should just jump back into the song,
but I don't wanna scare the white boy.
...what am I sayin, of course I do.
But I'll save us both the embarrassment.

Now, my question is a simple one:
why do we stop enjoying ourselves around when strangers are around?
Yes, I know I already answered my question,
but why need we feel embarrassed?
Cause we can't sing?
Can't dance?
We put on this real ugly face when we hit that high note?
Overall, just to avoid the judgment of others.

But think about it,
how happy are you when you just walking along on the sidewalk by yourself,
singing one of your favorite songs?
You are elated for that while.
You only feel like a damn fool when someone
comes from behind and walks past you.
Luckily, they have in headphones,
but at the volume you were belting
they're like to have heard a lil bit.

So, my dear friends [and associates]
I say sing out and loud.
Be proud of your vocal talents,
or lack thereof.
Be not afraid.
If the television show Glee
(yeah, I'm on of those kids;
big whoop, wanna fight about it)
has taught us anything,
it's that sometimes you just gotta sing,
cause sometimes you can't find the right words to say.

I mean, it's very relaxing and liberating in a sense.

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