February 14, 2010

Why the Roles?

Although I'm mainly addressing the straight community,
this is a gay post.
If you do not feel like reading about gay issues today,
here is your chance to turn away.

so I was on youtube today,
procrastinating a little,
giving my brain a rest,
when I wandered upon one of my favorite youtuber's channel.
He's a gay vlogger [video blogger]
who usually has some pretty insightful things to say.
In this video, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opcDYhFShrg)
he was basically talking about gender roles in a gay relationship.
You know,
like who's the guy, who's the girl.

Basically, he said that it's really shouldn't be like that.
The relationship is between 2 guys or 2 girls.
Well, I think I'd have to agree with him.
I mean, if we allowed ourselves to be characterized as such,
then isn't that just reaffirming the believe that homosexuality is wrong?

Sure, maybe one guy acts more feminine than his partner,
or a gal will act more butch than her mate.
But I'm pretty sure more than half the time,
it's not that cut and dry.

Allow me to go into the whole top and bottom thing.
In the gay community,
you usually have to pick a preference.
To be the pitcher or the catcher.
Usually the pitcher will lead the action;
he or she is also the one called the "guy of the relationship."
But in my experience,
it's always been more of exchange, a give and take.
The roles are never clearly defined.
We both take turns leading,
and honestly, I find that more enjoyable.

Like I asked in yesterday's post,
why most everything be defined?
Everything doesn't have to fit into neat little categories.
People are made up of too many elements and characteristics
to just fall into one bucket.

I mean,
I wanna say this classification of roles in gay relationships
is something the straight community imposes on us,
but in all honesty, it comes from the gay community as well.
In our community, we have a term for someone who performs both roles.
It's verse, short for versatile.
Some see it as being greedy, much like bisexuality.
But at the end of the day,
it's just another preference.
And people will just have to deal with it.


  1. Interesting... above you mention that: "Usually the pitcher will lead the action; he or she is also the one called the "guy of the relationship." Over the years, (and I am not alone in this, check with any Avatar BDSM member) While the "Pitcher" may lead the action, the "Catcher" is the person "controlling" the scene, and usually the relationship.

  2. Hmm... You know, you're right.
    I never thought about it like that. Hmm.
