February 16, 2010

Using Friends to Your Advantage

Let us be honest for a second.
We use our friends. All of them.
Now, yes, we love our friends, sure.
We keep them around because we relate to them.
But overall, each one is supplying you with something.

Sometimes it's materialistic.
Some friends are generous
and loan money,
let you get their food,
throw parties.
Now, they may want to be reimburse for such,
but even if you're a good friend
you'll try your damnedest to avoid it.
Especially at parties,
man, some people will walk in and just take drinks
and food they see in the fridge
and then they see the container with the donations for the party,
think about stealing a little,
but decide they don't want to be that grimy.

Now, being taking advantage of
doesn't always involve material things.
Sometimes people keep friends around
to feel better about themselves:
like a pretty girl with ugly friends
or a jock with a nerdy friend.
Some people constantly need to hear yes,
so they keep those kinds of people around them.
And those people stick around
to reap the benefits of being that person's friend.
Other times it's because people share something in common,
like being minorities
or both having been victims of abuse.
They use each other as support.
Some relationship go on simply because the 2 people don't want to be alone.
That's my theory on how marriages work.

Anyway you slice it,
we all take advantage of each other.
But this is not necessarily a bad thing.
I mean, we need each other to survive.
The man with no friends is the saddest and most unfortunate man of all.

So I saw keep using each other.
But do so in moderation.
Too much will just irritate someone.

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