February 1, 2010

The February Plan

Ok guys, so it's February.
That means it's Black History Month.
In honor of the 28-day celebration,
I plan to blog everyday,
including the weekend.

Now all of the post won't be about black history.
No, they'll continue to be as diverse as...
let's say NYC.

As you may have figured out,
I don't have a particular direction for this post.
So allow me to just ramble.

Ah, yes.
Let me tell you guys.
So I was on twitter last night
and a friend posted something, I forget what it was.
But I want to reply with a Tim Gunn quote.
Well, I googled his name to make sure I spelled it right.
But I saw a link that caught my eye.
I clicked on it.
Would't you know that shit gave my laptop a virus.
Now my joint wildin.
Damn you Tim Gunn and your fabulousness!
You have no idea how much this saddened me.
Hopefully I can get it fixed this week.
I can't be laptop-less this week.
Not an option.
Anyway, I gotta go.
Til tomorrow my dear friends [and associates].

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