February 3, 2010

Snow Day: The College Edition

Just a lil background info
before I attempt this poem.
[I know right, I haven't put a poem in a hot minute.]
Yesterday Baltimore recieved snow.
My school closed before the snow even started to fall on the ground.
They closed at the mare possibility of it.
Baltimore is shook cause of the snow.
That's funny to me.
I remember goin to high school in a blizzard,
but that's just cause St. Benedict's ain't close for nothing.
It could be the Armaggadon, and we'd still have school.
No lie.
Anyway, here's my poem.

12 noon
sitting in class
staring at the clock
checking that the teacher doesn't notice out the corner of my eye
lowering my gaze to the window beneath the clock
focusing on the building across the quad
noticing a tiny white speck fall from the sky
wondering if someone is scratching their dandruff on the roof
realizing it's snow
hoping that afternoon classes will be cancelled soon after

2 pm
checking my email from my phone
loving that technology has come so far along
jumping for joy at the item titled "Campus to close at 3pm"
heading back to my dorm
determining if I'll catch up on work
wondering what my friends are up to
pondering if school will be cancelled tomorrow too

5 pm
drinking my fifth beer
noting that doing work around this cast of characters was impossible
thinking I should somehow back away
forgetting what I was just thinking
despising the option of being responsible
deciding it's a problem for future me to deal with

11 pm
wearing clothes inappropiate for going out in the snow
opting to put a windbreaker on
walking down the stairs with my boys
slipping on the snow on the ground
catching my balance without falling
hailing a cab to get to the bar
ignoring the fact that it's a Tuesday night
questioning why there are plows on the road

1 am
cutting myself off from the bar
looking at the girl across the dancefloor
dancing my way over to her
dragging her to the middle withou saying hi
utilizing the time I spent at high dances
wooing her with my charm
realizing she's not having it
letting her go back with her friends
walking back in shame
ordering another drink

4 am
eating at a diner
thanking the Lord I live in Jersey
exiting with a full belly
slidding down the hill on our asses
building an igloo in the parking lot
running away when we hear sirens
laughing at the fact that it wasn't for us
crossing a clean street
opening my mouth to catch the few snowflakes still falling
calling it a night

10 am
waking up still slightly drunk
checking my phone for email
hating myself for going out last night
missing my 9 am class
regretting none of it
creating my excuse to email to my teacher
loving college like a cliche

My fellow writing friend is right;
I do write a lot of poems about being drunk.
Sad yet true.
It's only the unofficial poems though.
Haha. I'm so college.

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